The Poco Baby hammock offers a natural sleep solution for your baby, suitable from birth your baby will thrive in our Award Winning Poco Baby Hammock.
Designed to mimic the mother's womb, the Poco Hammock will give your baby a natural gentle motion which will calm, sooth and ensure a contented sleep. All babies love motion and a snug tactile environment, the Poco baby hammock will provide this and more.
The Poco baby hammocks has proven to sooth and relieve symptoms of colic, reflux and settle even the most irritable of babies.
Use the baby hammock for not only as an alternative to a cot but it is so quick and easy to dissemble you can use the hammock to travel with, every hammock comes with its own travel bag so there is no need for the additional expense of a travel cot.
Only 3 weeks old, used once. Paid £140